Bourne Beautiful

Bourne Beautiful

Friday, 6 July 2012

Stay spa fresh

Deodorants aren't the most glamorous beauty product, but they are one of those necessary purchases we all must make to smell as lovely as we do! So why not make it a bit more special?

Biosen Aerosol £3.29 and Deo total spray £4.99
Bionsen have released a new range of deodorants which have been created with minerals found in the volcanoes spas of Japan... *drifts off into spa daydream*

Depending on what you like (there is an aerosol, a stick, a roll-on, a pump spray AND a total body spray), all of these are made of a blend of spa minerals and are aluminium and paraben free.
But a special mention has to go out to the crystals. I LOVE these.

Deo Total Body (20g crystals) £4.99 (without water)

Deo total body crystals with water

They are so quirky and i've never seen anything like them. You just add water to the crystals and they create a body spray which is multi-usage, so it's gentle enough for all over your body (even your intimate areas!). I love it because its handbag size, and so nice to use for when the weather starts to get hot and humid and you need a top up. Really good for hand luggage and to use on a long flight too as it's 100ml! It can be refilled 5 times and has little 'scratch' pads to scratch off the amount of times you've used it...very clever for forgetful people like myself.

It is available form all major supermarkets and Boots.

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